The Optibus Blog

Thoughts about scheduling, planning, mass transit, technology, algorithms and more.

How Multi-Route Planning Can Unclog Urban Arteries

When the body’s arteries get clogged, blood flow declines and the heart struggles to pump enough blood at a nice steady...

How To Tell Which Cloud-Based Scheduling Platform Is Right For You

You’ve decided you are going to use a cloud-based platform for your planning and scheduling needs. Rest assured: You’ve...

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PTAs & PTOs, Don’t Lose Sight Of The Whole Picture: Why Sequential Scheduling Is A Thing Of The Past

It’s nice when steps are clearly laid out – complete step 1, move on to step 2, finish with step 3, and you’re done....

Webinar Recap: Next Generation Scheduling With Optibus At Nassau Inter-County Express

On June 5th, we hosted a webinar with the Director of Planning and Scheduling at the Nassau Intercounty Express, Jon...

Webinar Recap: What MaaS Means For The Transportation Industry & How Transit Agencies Can Prepare For It

On May 8th we hosted a webinar with David Zipper, a Resident Fellow at the German Marshall Fund, where he leads the...

Defining “Future-Proof” In The Context Of Public Transit Software

While the words “fireproof” and “bulletproof” appear in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, “future-proof” still hasn’t...

CEO Amos Haggiag At Bus2Bus Conference: AI Will Transform Mass Transportation

Autonomous vehicles may be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of artificial intelligence in...

When Optimization Is A Zero-Sum Game: Bidding For New Business

In Game Theory, a zero-sum game is a situation where someone’s gain is someone else’s loss: if you give a larger piece...

Can We Optimize City Transportation Better Than A Museum Robber Could?

Occasionally we hear about a famous museum heist, and maybe we wonder how it was done. I can’t explain how the...

What Shuttle Operators Need To Know About Planning And Scheduling

How fixed-route operations platforms enable better shuttle services and save costs Shuttle operations need to be...

New York’s Nassau Inter County Express (NICE) Chooses Optibus For Its Scheduling Platform

Nassau Inter-County Express (NICE) is the local bus system serving Nassau County, New York and eastern portions of the...

Webinar Recap: What Does Public Transportation Need To Know About Electric Buses And Their Operations

On January 30th, we hosted a webinar together with viriciti. You access the webinar replay here (link). The webinar was...

Can Mass Transport Route Planning Be Made As Simple As A Road Trip?

Let’s say you’re planning one of those legendary road trips – Route 66 in the US or Scotland’s North Coast. A quick...

Public Transit Suffering From A Driver Shortage? Apply Some Scheduling Magic

We have heard from numerous clients – located on two sides of the globe – that driver shortages are one of their most...