Our Transportation Blog

Thoughts about scheduling, planning, mass transit, technology, algorithms and more.

When Optimization Is A Zero-Sum Game: Bidding For New Business

In Game Theory, a zero-sum game is a situation where someone’s gain is someone else’s loss: if you give a larger piece...

What Shuttle Operators Need To Know About Planning And Scheduling

How fixed-route operations platforms enable better shuttle services and save costs Shuttle operations need to be...

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New York’s Nassau Inter County Express (NICE) Chooses Optibus For Its Scheduling Platform

Nassau Inter-County Express (NICE) is the local bus system serving Nassau County, New York and eastern portions of the...

Webinar Recap: What Does Public Transportation Need To Know About Electric Buses And Their Operations

On January 30th, we hosted a webinar together with viriciti. You access the webinar replay here (link). The webinar was...

Can Mass Transport Route Planning Be Made As Simple As A Road Trip?

Let’s say you’re planning one of those legendary road trips – Route 66 in the US or Scotland’s North Coast. A quick...

Public Transit Suffering From A Driver Shortage? Apply Some Scheduling Magic

We have heard from numerous clients – located on two sides of the globe – that driver shortages are one of their most...

How We Use FaaS To Optimize Mass Transit: Running Distributed Algorithms At “Infinite” Scale

Optibus creates a continuous plan for mass transit: city-wide planning and scheduling – determining where every vehicle...

Mass Transit Optimization For Buses: The Depot Problem

One of the great things about working for Optibus is the ability to apply math to the solution of real world problems....

How To Manage Overtime With Transportation Scheduling Software

The overtime crew scheduling (or runcutting) challenge Everyone has opinions about overtime. Some think it’s an...

How Electric Buses Change Scheduling – And Why Charging Changes The Game

It’s difficult to decide whether the future of Electric Buses is already here. One article titled “Electric Buses Will...

Solving NP-Hard Problems To Optimize Large-Scale Systems: It Sounds Complicated, But It’s Not.

Have you ever solved a Rubik’s Cube? If not, maybe you’ve solved a Sudoku puzzle, or even just a maze on the back of a...

Can Artificial Intelligence Prevent Bus Bunching?

Bus bunching is one of the most common — and simultaneously most complicated — problems that transit companies face....

Webinar Recap: It’s About Time – Preventing Transit Delays With Better Planning

This webinar was held as part of the announcement of OnTime module of the Optibus platform. The OnTime module uses...

Introducing Next Generation Timetables: Automated, Interactive And Continuously Validated

Why timetables? Timetables are the backbone of any mass transit service – or really, timeplans – the aggregate of...