Our Technology Blog
Mass Transportation is a challenge worthy of AI Let’s think of London: each and every day, millions of people move...
Why EV Public Transit Scheduling is Different The global drive to decrease fossil fuel dependency and resulting policy...
You’ve decided you are going to use a cloud-based platform for your planning and scheduling needs. Rest assured: You’ve...
PTAs & PTOs, Don’t Lose Sight Of The Whole Picture: Why Sequential Scheduling Is A Thing Of The Past
It’s nice when steps are clearly laid out – complete step 1, move on to step 2, finish with step 3, and you’re done....
While the words “fireproof” and “bulletproof” appear in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, “future-proof” still hasn’t...
Autonomous vehicles may be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of artificial intelligence in...
In Game Theory, a zero-sum game is a situation where someone’s gain is someone else’s loss: if you give a larger piece...
Occasionally we hear about a famous museum heist, and maybe we wonder how it was done. I can’t explain how the...
How fixed-route operations platforms enable better shuttle services and save costs Shuttle operations need to be...
On January 30th, we hosted a webinar together with viriciti. You access the webinar replay here (link). The webinar was...
Optibus creates a continuous plan for mass transit: city-wide planning and scheduling – determining where every vehicle...
One of the great things about working for Optibus is the ability to apply math to the solution of real world problems....
Have you ever solved a Rubik’s Cube? If not, maybe you’ve solved a Sudoku puzzle, or even just a maze on the back of a...