The Optibus Blog

Thoughts about scheduling, planning, mass transit, technology, algorithms and more.

Meet Taqi, Full-Stack Developer, in our R&D Interview Series

At Optibus, we are proud to bring together some of the brightest and most passionate minds in the transportation...

Meet Greyce, Software Engineer, in our R&D Interview Series

At Optibus, we are proud to bring together some of the brightest and most passionate minds in the transportation...

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Meet Avinoam, Algorithm Developer, in our R&D Interview Series

At Optibus, we are proud to bring together some of the brightest and most passionate minds in the transportation...

Meet Renan, Team Lead Backend Python Developer, in our R&D Interview Series

At Optibus, we are proud to bring together some of the brightest and most passionate minds in the transportation...

Meet Neta, Scrum Master, in our R&D Interview Series

At Optibus, we are proud to bring together some of the brightest and most passionate minds in the transportation...

Manual edit refactor: Converting long, tangled spaghetti code into tidy, neatly-packed ravioli code

A little food motivation Spaghetti may be your family’s favorite weeknight thirty-minute meal (it is mine!), but it...

Creating a git history that suits your needs

Developing a feature can be messy: unclear requirements, refactoring, peer feedback, and typos. These events are...

How I’m making our Calendar collaborative in real-time with Redux and Operational Transformation

Calendar is the new homepage of Optibus - the central source of truth of which schedules are operational on which days.

This Is How We Scale: Using a Centralized Logging Solution

Our current centralized logging solution is Cloud Observability for Engineers and most of our application logs...

Women and Computers: Interview with Maya Cahana, Optibus

Maya Cahane, a back-end developer at Optibus, discusses what brought her to the field of technology and whether there...

Build Fast, Roll Out Carefully

As an innovative SaaS tech company, we want to continuously build and improve our platform at a rapid pace, enabling...

Don’t Take Cover, Reduce the “Blast Radius” Instead

At some point, things will go wrong in production. It’s inevitable, and you should plan for it to assure that, when it...

Building an MVP for a Nuclear Plant

Today, most SaaS platforms are built using agile methods — by releasing new features in short iterations and following...

To Open Source or Not To Open Source? That Is the Question

At some point in their engineering career, nearly everyone builds an internal tool and thinks that it would make a good...